2024 Fee Structure

Payment of Fees
Accounts will be processed every Fortnight and a statement will be sent out via email.  Slight adjustments may be made once information is received back from Centrelink.  Please notify us of any Centrelink changes that take place.

If your child is absent on a booked day, full fees still apply.  If your child’s day falls on a public holiday, a discount fee applies.  A total of 4 weeks only per annum can be claimed at the reduced holiday rate which is 50% off your daily rate.

Fees can be paid via phone by credit card, or via our Direct Debit System ONLY (Payway).  A Payway form is to be completed with your enrolment.  Receipt of payment will be shown on the following statement.

Operating Hours
7:30am – 5:30pm Monday to Friday
Enrolment and Annual Fees
Incursion & Excursion Levy 80 (annual fee)
Application Fee 50

To secure your child’s place, a refundable bond of $200 for 1 child, ($300 for 2 children) will be payable a month before commencement date.

A Centre Hat & T-shirt is included in this fee.

Daily Fees
Possums (2 – 3.5yo) 106 / day*
Kangaroos (3.5 – 5yo) 98 / day

*includes nappies, wipes, tissues, sunscreen & Storypark

Holidays & Public Holidays
Holiday (total of 4 weeks only per year) 50% reduced fees
Public Holiday 50% reduced fees